ESSJ2019 Conference Report

Energy Storage Summit Japan (ESSJ) 2019 Conference Report
June 5, 2019 at Tokyo International Forum, Hall D7
From 10 countries, more than 120 experts of energy storage and related industry got together in Tokyo International Forum.
The 6th Energy Storage Summit Japan successfully came to an end with the help of international supporters and brilliant speakers. ESSJ 2019 was held on 5th June in Tokyo International Forum in Tokyo, consist with four sessions and a panel discussion.
In its regular session “The Framework for Energy Storage: international comparison,” Mr. U. Windelen, president of German Energy Storage Association presented updates of regulatory framework for energy storage in European markets. From Australia, Mr. G. Drover explained about energy transition in Australia, followed by the update on Japan’s promotion for energy storage technologies and distributed energy resources by METI’s Mr. Ezawa.
Mr. M. Saccs, COO of Peak Power’s presentation on V2G in the session 2 (E-mobility beyond the car: Accelerator for Storage ), Mr. C. Wright, CTO of Moixa Technology’s update on projects with ITOCHU and Honda using their smart battery hardware and their cutting edge platform Grid Share in the session 3, and in the session 4, Dr. J. Karthâuser , CTO of Climeon showcased power production and electricity storage using 80-120℃ hot water gathered a lot of interest from the audience.

In the panel discussion wrapping up the previous sessions, panelists all agreed with the concept that combination of renewable energies and storage (system) is the right direction to increase the portion of renewables.
Participants and speakers enjoyed talking together in warm atmosphere in networking reception held after the panel session.
Mr. M. Saccs. COO of Peak Power says “From my perspective the event was run impeccably and was extremely useful to our corporate goals. We made a number of very critical international connections thanks to this event, so I am very grateful.”
ESSJ 2019 post-show report can be found here.
ESSJ2020 will be held on June 24 (Wed.) 2020 in Tokyo.
Please mark your calendar.